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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mind Over Matter

Drown out the Stress!!

The Sanskirt word Mantra means “to cross the mind”. So a word or short phrase (in plain English), repeated again and again will redirect your thoughts from the source of your stress to something positive. According to Mark Fenske, neuroscienctist “Focusing on a Mantra can reduce activity in the brain structures associated with negative emotion, which in turn affect your autonomic nervous system. As a result the heart rate will slow and lower the stress response.”

It's simple, just mind over matter!!

How do I find my Mantra??

  • Ask yourself “what is my purpose (are you trying to get in shape or stay focused at work??)
It is good for a Mantra to be result oriented
  • Address a long term goal so you can use it over time and really become in tune with it

Here are some tips to make it better:

1st Avoid the word not or other language that can be interpreted as negative by your subconscious.

Example: I am strong rather than I am not weak

2nd Assume the best of yourself!!

Example: I am healthy rather than I will try to be healthy

3rd Pick a phrase that has a nice rhythm to create a drumbeat that can be almost hypnotic.

Song lyrics can be very useful!!

Embrace your Mantra, and drown out the stress!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Don't need Strength Training?

Have you ever said I don't need strength training; I do cardio everyday?? Well your I hate to say your wrong, but if you are trying to lose inches, here is the skinny.... Research shows that doing only cardio can actually make you more hungry! Mix it up, add some strength training to your routine, this will not only help keep your appetite in check but also help you burn more calories!!

Did you know that for every pound of new muscle you will burn 60 more calories a day??

Friday, July 1, 2011

Go Fish!

Weight loss benefits of Fish. Did you know that 4 grams of concentrated fish oil daily can increase muscle mass and reduce body fat?

“The fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and levels of the stress hormone cortisol, both of which can cause you body to hang on to unwanted fat” says Eric Noreen, PhD.

It's a smart choice is to eat fish at least once a week, you can also use fish-oil supplement to be sure you are getting enough; but remember to always check with your physician before you begin taking any supplements.