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Monday, January 31, 2011

Shoveling without Back Pain

First you need a good quality, lightweight snow shovel that fits your body. Using the incorrect shovel will cause more strain on the body than necessary.

When it comes to protecting your back while shoveling, make sure you keep your back straight. Don’t round your back or fully flex forward. Rounding the back while lifting snow will put too much pressure on the lower back. What you should do is brace your back by slightly contracting your abdominal muscles (core) whenever you lift up the snow. Use the flexibility in your hips (hinge at the hips not the back) to squat down to protect the back. You can practice squatting properly by standing face forward, close to a wall and squatting down. The only way you will be able to squat down is with a straight back and you will have to hinge at the hips.

A big part of not hurting your back while shoveling is to follow a preventative or preparation program program before you go out, to ensure your body is ready!! If you do not feel that you are healthy enough to shovel safely DON'T, paying the neighborhood kids may be a better idea. When it is time to brave the snow take your time, small scoops of snow will put less strain on the body and let the shovel do the work. Remember squat to lift with you knees, NOT your back!!!

Happy Shoveling!!
Shaun Mullan, CMT

Check these few “Shovel Stretches” as well!!

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