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Friday, March 25, 2011

Munchies At the Movies?

As we try to become a more health conscious nation, we demand healthy snack options in school and to know what we are eating in restaurants, but  Movie Theater Concession Stand owners are arguing against a proposed federal mandate requiring the display of nutrition information for their munchies. Is that because people would not buy anymore?
Information is empowerment!! You go to the movies and order your large popcorn without giving it to much thought but avoid the candy because candy is bad for you… Did you realize that bucket of popcorn has about 1500 calories, forget the Coca-Cola (353 Calories), nachos with cheese (1101 calories) or anything else you  may snack on while during the flick!! That is more calories than you would eat in 5 slices of pizza (average size with regular crust) or three Big Macs from McDonalds!
So you have watched your intake all week, done you exercise, and decide to allow yourself a little slack at the movies and you go for the Reese’s pieces (1200 calories), you may want to reconsider… Unfortunately we may not realize that the snacks we are paying WAY too much) for have (don’t even get me started on the prices), WAY more calories than most realize.
Again, information is empowerment, if you want that popcorn, at least you know what you are eating!

Check out the break down some movie theater favorites:
Large Buttered Popcorn (20 cups): 1500 calories, 116g fat, 90g carbs
Hot Dog (1 dog with bun): 305 calories, 4.5g fat, 23g carbs
Nachos with Cheese (large, 4 oz): 1101 calories, 59g fat, 131.5g carbs
Soft Pretzel (large): 483 calories, 4.5g fat, 99g carbs
Cotton Candy (2.5 oz): 300 calories, 0g fat, 74g carbs
Junior Mints (3 oz): 320 calories, 5g fat, 68g carbs

There's lots more, so read more
Milk Duds (3 oz): 340 calories, 12g fat, 56g carbs
Sno-Caps (3.1 oz): 360 calories, 16g fat, 60g carbs
Raisinets (3.5 oz): 380 calories, 16g fat, 64g carbs
Gummi Bears (4 oz): 390 calories, 0g fat, 90g carbs
Goobers (3.5 oz): 525 calories, 35g fat, 55g carbs
Twizzlers (6 oz): 600 calories, 4g fat, 136g carbs
M&M's (5.3 oz): 735 calories, 31.5g fat, 105g carbs
Skittles (6.75 oz): 765 calories, 9g fat, 166.5g carbs
Reese's Pieces (8 oz): 1200 calories, 60g fat, 138g carbs
Starburst (24 pieces): 480 calories, 10.5g fat, 99g carbs
Coca-Cola with ice (large, 3 pints, 18.9 fl oz): 353 calories, 0g fat, 88.4g carbs

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